DIY Fingering of Preciosa Rocailles Pearls


With two small bags of beads and a little string you can make a really nice finger ring. Try the Brick Stitch technique off with the recipe for these cool finger rings made of preciosa glass beads.

Preciosa has given this recipe a valentine theme, but you can always replace the colors and over time also start making your own patterns. If you are missing beads for the recipe we have this size glass beads in 116 different colors here.



We recommend that you use a good strong thread to make your finger rings. Precisely finger rings are exposed to some wear and tear compared to other jewelry. You can use a regular nylon fishing line that you can find here. However, be very careful about tying a proper knot to end your work. Fishing laces can be a little vibrant, so be sure to tighten the knots well. Use if necessary. A drop of super glue to secure the knot a little extra. Place the drop of glue on the knot with a pin.

You can also use Fireline, which is a super strong thread with kevlar technology (known from dot -free bicycle tires). It is more soft and easier to work with than the regular fishing line. So far we only sell Fireline in our physical store in Vendersgade 9, 1363 Kbh K.

The recipe is relatively easy once you have caught the technique. Sometimes you just have to clutter it a few times before it succeeds and if things go wrong, try again.

Really good pleasure in creating great, cool, personal finger rings! 


Here is the link to the recipe for the finger rings.

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