Diy Mexican Candy Skull of Glass Beads

Make your own great and trendy Mexican Candy Skull Pendant of Preciosa Seed Beads. We have them in 244 different colors. See here If you are missing small glass beads for your next pearl creation.

The technique used for this pendant is called Brick Stitch, and is one of the basic techniques when sewing with pearls so it is really good to be able to.




Combine your own great color combination to make it more personal. It can also be a good opportunity to get some pearl residue used if you have beads where you have only a few of each color. 

We recommend that you use Miyuki's pearl thread and pearl needles. The thread is thin as sewing thread but, strong as it is made of nylon. The needles from Miyuki are so thin that they can easily go through the beads several times, which is necessary when using Brick-Stitch and in most other pearl sewing techniques. Find thread and needles here. A good alternative to Miyuki's pearl thread can be our 0.08 mm fireline.

You can find wedging to attach the pendant to the string, here. Sew. The boxes firmly to the pendant. You can also choose to make a few small boxes of beads where you can pull your necklace through.

Brick Stitch is not difficult, but as the slightest it is a good idea to have done a small sample before you start the pendant if you have never tried this technique before. That way you can just control the technique and can concentrate better on getting the right colors in the right places in the work.

Have fun making this great and trendy pendant!

Here is the link to the recipe for Mexican Candy Skull Pendant

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